what I can tell you about Megan

10:21 PM

Things I Know To Be True About Myself 

Hello, let me introduce you to myself. I am Megan. Although I haven't always thought so, I deserve a name like every other human being has. 

Let me tell you some things about Megan that are absolute truths.

Megan not shy, not disinterested, not boring. 

Megan is also not dangerous, not a criminal, and not even a "ticking time bomb" of uncontrolled mental illness just waiting to have a psychotic episode if the breeze hits her face funny.

Megan is socially adept; she knows how to make people feel comfortable (or uncomfortable, which she uses strictly for purposes of fun and amusement). 
Megan obliterates the concept of "awkward". 
Megan has had a series of very heavy, scary things happen to her.

The Megan you meet now is unemployed and living with her parents (at 27 years old)-- but make no mistake. Megan has been a responsible adult and will return to being so as she recovers. Megan has been a wife, a nanny, a student, a full-time part of the workforce, a taxpayer, bill-payer, homemaker, et cetera

Megan may seem like a slacker, a loser, an ambitionless waste of life. But this is only temporary. If you cannot take the time to get to know the entire Megan, but you will take the time to pass judgement on Megan, then she wants NOTHING to do with you.  

Megan has thrown successful small parties before, even. 
Megan is NOT a "psycho chick"-- she has some mental health issues, but she never allows them to spill out onto other people, because she cares very much about others and does not want scare them (unless she hates them). 
Megan's "psychosis" is something that never even presents itself in front of people, when Megan is being Megan. Megan knows she cannot hide her telltale scars, so she embraces and jokes about her issues in ways that make people feel like she is just an oddball with many quirks... 
Because Megan is quirky. This is one thing she loves about herself, whether you do or not. 
Megan is not crazy.
Megan is VERY open and is willing to share even her most painful stories, if she feels doing so might possibly help someone else who is struggling with similar issues. 
Megan is okay with the fact that she's a chronic over-sharer, because she notices that when she over-shares (not about serious/bad stuff, just about random thoughts and daily events), interesting conversation happens. Others open up then, and feel comfortable sharing things they might otherwise keep quiet about for fear of being "boring"-- because Megan does not LET "boring" happen
Megan likes to elevate conversations into the mode of stream-of-consciousness. 
Megan loves it when people are feeling open and uninhibited enough to just randomly burst into song, or dramatically reenact a scene from a Disney movie, or drop the f bomb 27 times in under a minute, etc. 
Megan fills awkward silence.
Megan is a worthwhile human being. 

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